Lukaman Islam

Detroit, MI | | (313) 877-3594

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Professional Experience




Technical Skills

  • Proficient in using Python for tasks like data manipulation and scripting.
  • Programming Languages: Python, C#, C++, SQL
  • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code
  • Cloud Platforms: AWS, Microsoft Azure
  • CRM Platforms: Salesforce, ServiceNow
  • Operating Systems: macOS, Windows, iOS, Android
  • Hardware and Software Installation, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance

Office & Productivity

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite: Excel, PowerPoint, Word
  • Time Management and Task Prioritization
  • Organizational and Analytical Skills

Soft Skills

  • Multi-tasking and Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking and Leadership
  • Teamwork and Customer Service
  • Strong Verbal and Written Communication
  • Friendly and Self-Motivated
  • Willingness to Learn and Adaptability
